Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Jammmnyela....nak g mane tu cik nani oi...
ini bukan entry jalan2 menyesatkan diri pegi AG mcm my previous entry ok.....
that ABCDEFG tu,da simpan elok2 dlm muzium ye...
this is my journey utk berkhidmat pada nusa bangsa,i tau jalan n xsesat mcm slalu..hahaha...

Where to....???
i bukan drivin' kat Singapore ye if u noticed ade kete Singapore kat depan kete i...
jb biasela..kadang2 da rase kat oversea dah....
haaa....sape tau logo ape ni?KUMON...pandainyerrrr....
ni bukan Kuman k...*taula i keje spital....huhuhu*....sebut biar betul...

tengok logo pn da tau tempat ape ni....

ni la tempat tuisyen bebudak yg nak blaja math,reading (english) to success...

1 student per subject RM120.00....perghhhh..mahal seh...

tapi gaji aku ciput jek....huhuhuhu...

meja Teacher Ms Nani...rindunye kat meja,bakuls2 and pen merah....wuuuu =(

ni bukan bakul utk beli sayur kat pasar ye kak, ni bakul homework...

if u all notice, ade 4 bakul...

to be Marked:untuk letak homework/classwork yg da siap...

Marked: Excercise yg dah ditanda...

Correction: Excercise yg ade pembetulan dan dah dibetulkan..

yang paling best, ade bakul Answer thats provides books of answers to all the exercise..

tapi,bkn sng ye..walaupn dah ade jawapan,jalan kira x ditunjuk...kalau student tanye...musti tau jawab...kalau x,garu kepalala....xpun..S.O.S dgn teacher lain...

aisehhh malu xpandai jwb soalan bdk skolah....ngaaaaIm teaching one of the student who seek for my guide in answering mathematic calculator provided guys...congak please...oppps,bukan congak guna jari jemari...gune otak + imagination...kene marah ngan Ms.Tan (principle..hhahaha)...kalau budak2 ni tgh kira2 pastu keluar plak tangan...1,2,3...AIYOKKK....kantoi sudah...
nilah keje aku ari2 after office hour sampaila bebudak ni siap correction homework and classwork....lambat abis,lambatla balik...

ape kejenye?tanda paper ikut buku jawapan,kalau sume betul for that particular page,u circle and give 100%...and u count if all got 100% for that exercise book...u got star..see on top?

all those 100% and stars need to be record in the report card book and checked by senior teacher before they all boleh determine what level of homework u should do..dasyat2 bebudak ni blaja...

dasyat n naik juling jugak marking keje rumah diorg ni...lagi pulaknye kalau baru naik public holiday ke....hambik...tebal je masing2 bw homework nak tanda..

buku banyak menimbunn nak tanda,ye jugak..budak2 ni nak kene tengokkan jugak...budak2,mane reti duduk diam..disuruh buat keje,dia main lari sane lari sini...jerit sane,jerit sini...aduyai..kang mulala keje xsiap...parents da tunggu lame kat luaar,bila kwan da balik,haaa...sume sibuk siapkan keje...igt korg je balik lambat ke?cikgu jugak yang terlebih gelisahnye...nak balik wooo...sok keje masuk kul 8.oo pagi adik2 sayang....

cikgula yg amik inisiatif close-up ngan student tolong guide cara nak jwb soalan...bior cpt sket siap kejenye...

ade jugak kes yg budak2 sampai nangis xdpt siapkan keje sbb terlalu penat bersekolah and added homework kumon plak....kalau kes2 bdk2 da blank and blurrr cenggini,kitorg bagi balikla...huhu..sian...pressure study..yang bestnye keje ngan tokey cina ni..bila Chinese New YEar,dpt angpau...jadila RM10 pun..
this is how the class looks like tyme sume da balik...the other site is for english class...

majority chinese yang go for Kumon...malay adela beberapa kerat...maybe sbb mahal kot..

but to me...Kumon is good because u practise through exercise..Kumon bkn macam kelas biasa where ade cikgu kat depan mengajar,n yg lain dgr@ tido.... its where ur kids come and do a lot exercise, with one-to-one teaching concept if u have problem in completing the exercise...and it teach through memorising...of coursela understanding too...

hmmm...kan da panjang lebar citer kat korg pasal kumon nih...

anyway i daptla pengalaman keje part-time for almost 5 months..but now quit already...gaji sket sgt n penatla...huhu

but i really miss the ""Teacher....Teacher....""...halahai...comel jek...*walaupun aku xske jd cikgu,at least merasala kan...*

and the MOST important is ...RESPECT from ur students and their parents....

*********Kelas dah Habis,murid2 bole balik.......THanK YOU /TEachER***********************

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