Monday, July 19, 2010

inducksee 130310260310

first thought bile kwn2 dpt offer letter for induksi....
'2 minggu?...giler lame...bosan sehhh...'

da trbyg2 tyme orientasi mse kt U dulu2...komitmen,disiplin,punctuality...haihhh
moto yg xbley bla... 'KAMI KENE IKOT PERINTAH'..

tp disbbkn kursus nie prasyarat tok sah jwtn as gov. choice lorr...
to d least, 2 minggu xyah keje, mkn free...hotel kot...yeayyy... name..MISSING???...apsal neh...
ape lg..kol pentadbiran sane-sini...'sye mesti pegi'...huuhuhuhu...-at dis moment...keje mmg xfokus..-
diorg bole plak kate...'cik bole pegi kalau ade kekosongan....WHATTTT...'... lost my word already...
but then, diorg kol,kate i bole pegi replacing this person....'FINE la...'.....

to me..induksi is a big point dat change my life..be4-during and even after induksi...
rase2nye i'm d only person yg packing2 brg be4 induksi sambil menangis 3-4 kali pepagi tuh...
konflik bsr as a new staff...-kalau nk diigtkan...sakit,let gone be by gone...

so,Hotel Pasir Gudang, here i come...*weee....*
during tyme...i'm having so much fun eventhough bz ngan preparation utk closing dinner, exam...
*still keep on praying ktrg lulus...xmo repeat...huhuhu*

our routine dkt sini...perhimpunan pagi...haaa..nyanyila kuat2 ye...nk joget pn xkesahla...
kalau x, kene ulang bnyk kali..kering tekak i...

hari2....jadual full ngan talk...kalau dpt speaker yg best...bole gak gelak2...xla ngantok sgt...

ats meja, dpn mata penuh dgn mknn ringan...tok kunyah2...hmmm....yela tuh....xde maknenye...kalau da ngantok tu ngantokla jugak...

makin lame makin ke bawah..kenkadang smpai tahap nk masuk bwh meja pn ade...xkesahla..janji xponteng...
okeyh2..time ptg lak...riadah time...

mcm kanak2 rebina...wlpn da tue sronok... =)

d most memorable part during dis induksi saleha's bday celebration...susah tu nk wat surprise party kt mek sorg ni...penghuluwatila katekan...da tgh2 mlm bute br balik...ktrg siap tido dulu...taw

next...on the nite of d 13th day...closing dinner...ala2 kmpg gitew...first dinner ever yg buat style makan bersila...nek cramp kaki sume org (serious...)...pastu tobat xnak gne konsep ni lg dah...hahaha

kesimpulan... : mmg best giler ahh induksi..

dats d be4 and during part of induksi...d after part, is the one i'm living rite now...

Friday, July 9, 2010


today,...dah pukul brape ni?erm...almost bz with furnishing my blog...still working on it...huru-hara sket nampaknye...huhuu...
xpe2...smbg lagi besok ye...

talking about besok,esok sabtu n nk kene keje la plak....isk3...
last minute task request from big boSs...dah lps dateline br mtk (xpatut betol...kan3)...
so,nk xnk have to come lorr....

makanya...go get some sleep....tido dulu ye....nite2